Allison is a Storyteller, Singer-Songwriter, Writer and Educator. She believes in the power of story, song and the arts to build community, and teach us about ourselves. She loves to write and sing, tell stories, listen to stories, and help people tell their stories. To listen to her music and her podcasts, click the Dropdown Performing Tab. Here you’ll find CD’s, podcasts, a blog, upcoming events and what Allison can do for you (in terms of performances and workshops, that is). Oh, and more about Allison than anyone could ever want to know. Thanks for visiting!

One of my favorite Storytelling Festivals! The 10th Annual Storytelling Festival – Right here in Kalamazoo. What a great opportunity to revel in the stories of fantastic storytellers! 22 fabulous storytellers from 5 countries and 8 states will wow you with stories connected to the theme: A Celebration of Time. New stories will be posted each month through June 20th. I was proud for my story, “Wilderness Girl” to be highlighted in March for Women’s History Month.