Jul 3, 2015 | Blog, Music, News
I’m a songwriter. And sometimes songs come out of me and it’s not quite what I intended, but what the song demanded. A few years ago a song came to me. One of my good friend’s battle with cancer took a turn for the worse. This followed several other friends having run...
May 14, 2015 | Blog, News
I gotta be honest. I’m just not going to write on this blog much in the near future. Why? Because I have a NEW BLOG that I’m calling Can’t Take My Heart: Musings on Life, Cancer, and Everything in Between. Why? Because I want a separate blog for my...
Apr 17, 2015 | Blog, News
Well, the last 5 months have been quite a journey. I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, called Anal Mucosal Melanoma. I have been undergoing lots of treatments that have cut into my social and performance schedule. BUT, cancer can’t take my heart....
Aug 26, 2014 | Events, Music, News
Hello Friends! I am helping to raise support for my 7-month old friend, Indi Stroven – She’s the miraculous, awesome daughter of our dear friends Jen & Chris Stroven, who was born at 2.5 lbs. with multiple challenges that required her to stay in NICU...
Aug 11, 2014 | Events, Music, News
THIS Thursday, 8/14 7pm: Lamb’s Jackson Songwriter’s Showcase, Weatherwax Hall, Jackson Symphony Orchestra, 215 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson, MI. Thrilled to share the stage with these amazing songwriters: Drew Nelson, Ralston Bowles, Emily Rose and...
Jul 2, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
A fantastically fun performance with Sue Fink at the “On the Tracks Songwriter Showcase” in Chelsea, MI The honor of presenting a Personal Narrative Storytelling Workshop for high school teachers at Lincoln Center Theater’s Education wing as outreach...