Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hoping you had a day filled with love and chocolate and laughter and – did I mention chocolate? Michigan Radio (NPR) aired a piece that my producer Zak Rosen and I developed for Valentine’s Day. The 12 min. podcast is posted on their website:...

January 2013 Update

Hope your new year is off to a great start and that your holidays were restful and joyous. Been diving back into writing and Michigan Radio just aired a new commentary I wrote about the Inauguration on their wonderful daily news talk show “Stateside.” I’ve got the...

Happy New Year!

Hope your new year is off to a great start and that your holidays were restful and joyous. Been diving back into writing and January 17th Michigan Radio will air a new commentary I wrote about the Inauguration on their show Stateside sometime between 3-4pm EST. You...