Well, the last 5 months have been quite a journey. I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, called Anal Mucosal Melanoma. I have been undergoing lots of treatments that have cut into my social and performance schedule. BUT, cancer can’t take my heart. Here’s a few ways I won’t let cancer cramp my style:

I’ve got a new blog about my cancer journey going that you can subscribe to. (Working Title: Can’t Take My Heart: Musings on Life, Cancer, and Everything in Between). Don’t worry, I talk about life outside of cancer, too!  So, if you want to stay up to date, I’d recommend subscribing to the new blog – this older one’s gonna be pretty quiet till I’m through with all this cancer stuff.

I’ve written a song called “Can’t Take My Heart (F U, Cancer!)” and we will have it available HERE for download. There are censored and uncensored versions available. After medical expenses, 10% of proceeds will go to mucosal melanoma research.

AND we’ve got the “Can’t Take My Heart” music video on the way! Share it away. The video will be published on my soon to be published YouTube channel along with my new video blog.

Thanks for checking in… More soon!