I gotta be honest. I’m just not going to write on this blog much in the near future. Why? Because I have a NEW BLOG that I’m calling Can’t Take My Heart: Musings on Life, Cancer, and Everything in Between. Why? Because I want a separate blog for my cancer journey. Don’t worry, I talk about life outside of cancer, too!  So, if you want to stay up to date, I’d recommend subscribing to the new blog – this older one’s gonna be pretty quiet till I’m through with all this cancer stuff.

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What? Wait a second, what’s this about cancer? Did I miss something?

In October of 2014 I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, called Anal Mucosal MelanomaOnly 1 in 2.5 million people get it. Let’s just say there aren’t enough of us to form a team for a walkathon. The tests showed it hadn’t spread – I’m in good shape. I had me some surgery, a month of radiation, and am now 3 months into chemo. The treatments have not been fun, but I’ve learned a ton over these months and have enjoyed celebrating the moments of respite and all the blessings I have. The cancer journey has opened the creative floodgates for me: check out the NEW SONG (Can’t Take My Heart (FU, Cancer!), video blog, and music video (to be released Tuesday, May 19th). 

Thanks for checking in… More soon!