Hello Friends!
I am helping to raise support for my 7-month old friend, Indi Stroven – She’s the miraculous, awesome daughter of our dear friends Jen & Chris Stroven, who was born at 2.5 lbs. with multiple challenges that required her to stay in NICU for 5 months. She still has several surgeries and care taking needs in her future and we are trying to help cover some of these expenses through a number of fundraising efforts:
1. The INDI ROCKS! BENEFIT CONCERT at Old Dog Tavern in Kalamazoo, MI on Sunday, September 14th from 1-5pm. This family friendly concert (w/kids activities) will include some of Michigan’s top bands: The Red Sea Pedestrians, The Corn Fed Girls, and Red Tail Ring. John Austin and I will play a set as well! (Suggested Donation: $25 adult / $5 kids). Check out the Facebook evite!
2. GoFundMe site: And you can buy advance tickets (real or virtual for you out of town folks) and donate to the cause at the Fundraising Website: http://www.gofundme.com/indirocks
3. Silent Auction: Participate in the Silent Auction that will be posted in advance at the GoFundMe site soon!
“And though she be but little, she is fierce!” – William Shakespeare
More Information about the Cause:
As a community, we have witnessed Jen and Chris Stroven celebrate great triumphs and endure perilous tribulations during the last couple of years. From Jen being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, and that limiting her ability to carry a child safely, to Chris’ amazing niece stepping forward to be their gestational carrier. And this year, their miracle baby Indi was born.
However, this blessing came with significant challenges. Indi was born 10 weeks early at 2 lbs. 5 ounces, and was also diagnosed with VACTERL association, a constellation of birth defects requiring multiple surgeries and ongoing medical interventions. As a result, Indi spent her first five months of life in the NICU, an hour from the Stroven’s home.
Through it all, Jen and Chris have been brave and resilient and have taken each challenge head on. They are so deeply loved by us all; our fantastic community has rallied around them with love and support, offering prayers, meals, and care for Indi’s big sister Mia, and more.
And yet, there remains a growing financial burden. We would like to help offset the debt they have incurred (from hospital bills, travel expenses, childcare and the like), and help them prepare for future expenses.
We hope to see you there and thank you for your support!
The Stroven Friend Network